Grocery worker: we need debt and rent relief, now
Maddie – Minneapolis, MN
Audio Transcription
“Hey, how’s it going – I’m Maddie, I’m a member of Socialist Alternative here in Minneapolis. I work at the local grocery store co-op, and I’m also a union member of UFCW 1189.
So because I’m a grocery store worker, I’m considered essential staff, so myself and my coworkers are still being called into work. However, our management hasn’t really been proactive about making sure we’re taking proper safety measures and staffing.
The measures they have taken have only been because of the demands from workers, and not all of those demands are even being addressed, like staffing, which has continued to be an issue.
Additionally, the changes in policy are things that aren’t being widely distributed among workers. These changes that have happened since this last weekend when I last worked – I’ve had to reach out to my union rep as well as get onto social media to find this information.
So like all of you, I’ve been getting emails nonstop from any business that has my email – my dentist, best buy, my hairdresser – of how they’re addressing coronavirus. But on top of that, I also received a reminder from my student loans.
They’re not at all addressing the crisis that I’m sure a lot of students are facing, of losing their jobs and not being able to pay rent on time. Similarly, my landlord addressed that corona is a problem but they’re not at all offering any relief to renters.
The solution from our government right now seems to be chalked up to a $1,000 check – maybe $500, maybe $2,000 – as a band-aid to cover up what’s happening. But honestly I believe that if we had a better foundation of guaranteed housing, federal $15 minimum wage and Medicare for All, everyone would be going into this crisis on better footing.
So if you’re like me and you want to get organized to win demands like no evictions during coronavirus, guaranteed protection for workers on the job, and wage assistance for workers that have lost their jobs, please join me and others at our virtual town hall linked below. Thanks!”