California carpenter: we need socialist politics to fight coronavirus
Rob – Oakland, CA
Audio Transcription
“Hi, my name is Rob, I’m a union carpenter in Oakland, California, and a member of Socialist Alternative. I’m currently at home with my two teenage daughters. My wife is allowed to go to work as an essential healthcare worker, but my jobsite closed on Tuesday. It was a 20-story high-rise. In construction, workers are always sharing equipment and ladders and so on.
As an act from management, {closing the jobsite} was too little, too late. We’d been complaining about the situation, and finally they closed the site.
The thing I’m mad about right now, politically, right now is the Democratic party establishment, who’ve for many months attempted to destroy Bernie’s platform – and now we have a situation where Trump is actually moving to the left of Biden in the campaign, with his arguments for a moratorium on evictions, and so on.
I believe there is a huge space for socialism and socialist ideas in the environment of this crisis, and I will be attending the Socialists and the Coronavirus town hall online on Sunday, at 4pm Pacific Time. If you want to join in that video, please check out the link at the bottom of the screen. Thanks.”